Do you have enough to Retire?
Free Financial Health CheckMaking the most of super contributions in the lead up to retirement can make a real difference to your retirement lifestyle. Most people have fewer financial commitments as they approach retirement. Their mortgage may be under control or paid off and they no longer have the family commitments they once had. This provides capacity to top up super and there are rules which help people make catch up contributions.
How your super is invested is important as well. Your investment returns matter most when you’re approaching retirement and when you’re in the early years of retirement. We’re not tied to any super funds, so we can make sure your super is performing and that you’re not taking any unnecessary risks or paying unnecessary fees.

Retirement Planning
We design solutions to provide you with tax effective money to live on in retirement. In our experience, most people need some help in deciding how much money they should draw down in the early years of retirement.
We will show you how you can replace your salary in retirement, as well as the amount you can draw down and still be responsible for the future. We will build a portfolio tailored to you so that you can meet your short-term needs while addressing your long-term risks.
Our investment advice is tailored for retirees to provide low volatility and more reliable returns. Solutions are designed with the aim of generating sustainable income in retirement.
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Wealth Creation and Investment Planning
We will design an investment portfolio that underpins a sustainable and comfortable lifestyle for your retirement.
Investing for retirement is different and requires a different approach to how your super was invested when you were younger. You are more conservative than you used to be, and you need more protection from market falls.
And your investments in retirement will need to provide you with money to live on. We will ensure you have the money you need day-to-day and balance your spending needs with your short and long-term risks so that you are able to sleep well at night.
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Life Insurance
Everyone wants to make responsible decisions when it comes to providing for family members.
As your responsibilities change in life, so does your need for life insurance. Generally, when your mortgage is high, and your children are young, the need for life insurance peaks. But as you get older, and the mortgage is paid down or the children leave home, you may find yourself paying too much.
For clients located in Newcastle and the Hunter, we can review your insurances to make sure you’re not paying too much, or worse still, underinsured.
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Centrelink Advice and Support
For most older Australians, the age pension forms an important part of their retirement income.
It is essential that you make the most of the benefits that are available to you. We are experts at the Centrelink means tests so we can help you make better decisions to maximise your entitlements.
We can handle the age pension application process from beginning to end and remove the frustration from the claims process.
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Defined Benefit Schemes
We have deep experience in the complexities of defined benefits super, especially Local Government Super, the NSW state schemes SASS and SSS, Commonwealth super schemes, PSS and CSS as well as the tertiary education sector with Unisuper.
We can help you understand your scheme choices and maximise your entitlements. This will include expert advice on the best time to retire and how your end benefit will be calculated.
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Tax Management
Australia’s tax system is highly complex and there are lots of opportunities to legally and logically manage your tax.
Whenever you make a major life decision, like to sell your business or an investment property, or to retire from full-time work, there can be major tax implications. We can help you understand the tax consequences of your decisions so that you can improve your financial outcomes.
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Salary Packaging Arrangements
If your employer offers a salary packaging arrangement, then we can help you gain a better understanding of how it works and whether you should be taking advantage of it.
In the right circumstances, you can improve the efficiency of your expenditure, reduce tax, and have more money left over to save for what’s important.
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Redundancy Planning
Whether voluntary or involuntary, this is a major life change and can be highly stressful. We can help you understand your options so that you have confidence that you’re making the most of your circumstances.
We will make sure you’re managing your tax, and balancing your short and long term needs so that you have money to live on.
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Transition to Retirement
Making the decision of when to retire is a difficult one. It can be made easier with a transition to retirement strategy.
We can show you how you can ease into retirement by reducing your working hours and supplementing your income with your retirement savings. Our strategies will help you save you tax and make your retirement more sustainable and enjoyable.
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Cashflow Management
Short-term pressures are the number one cause of financial stress in Australia, whether you’re rich or poor. You want to know that there’s money available for the unexpected or just to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.
We help you understand how much you can spend today, while still being responsible for the future. We can help you reduce waste so that you make the most of your situation and only spend money on what’s important to you and your family and what you really want to do.
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Estate Planning
Most of our financial decisions in retirement have an impact on our estate and how our financial assets are treated when we die. That’s why it’s so important to consider your entire financial circumstances, not just your super.
In Australia, we don’t have death taxes anymore because super operates as a death tax. For many of us, our assets can be passed on to our family more tax effectively when we’re alive.
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Aged Care
The aged care system in Australia is complex and difficult for most people to understand. When deciding on aged care arrangements for our loved ones, important and emotive choices usually need to be made quickly.
We provide reassurance on your family’s situation from Day 1 entering into care, and set out your options to improve cashflow, arrange funding and save on costs.
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