Rachel Bayley
Do you have enough to Retire?
Free Financial Health CheckRachel has been working in the financial planning industry since 2016. Before joining the team at When she worked mainly as a Paraplanner, but also assisting in all aspect of the advice process. Now, she works mostly in the background to help ensure that the plans our financial advisers put into place come to life for our clients. Her current role as Client Services Officer sees her working with third party product providers to implement the advice that Rick and Chris provide. In addition to this, she also works as our Paraplanner, writing advice documents for our advisers to present to their clients.
Rachel grew up in Western Sydney and moved to the Hunter Valley at the end of 2013 to be with her then partner, and now husband. Together, they have two beautiful daughters with whom they love spending time outdoors and travelling in their caravan.
Rachel holds a Bachelor of Business and Commerce and an Advanced Diploma of Paraplanning.